Hair Loss From Steroids – A Comprehensive Look at the Process and the Solutions.

Hair Loss From Steroids – A Comprehensive Look at the Process and the Solutions.

About 50% of the human male population are genetically susceptible to Alopecia Androgenetica, also known as Male Pattern Baldness. Although the exact causes of male baldness are still unknown, most knowledgeable in this area would agree that strong androgenic substances like DHT and testosterone play a large part. If you are prone to MPB and are concerned about keeping your hair, then read on. There are some products that when used alone or especially in combination, can be very effective in halting or even reversing male hair loss. First, let’s take a look at what is known about the causes of MPB. Testosterone is converted to DHT by the 5AR enzyme, which in turn finds its way to your hair follicles and causes them to fall out. The are a few theories on how this occurs. One suggests that DHT causes a progressive miniturization of the affected hair follicles. Another says that DHT causes an autoimmune response, causing the body to actually attack the hair follicles as if they were a foreign body. This in turn causes an inflammatory response that causes the hair follicles to shed. Either way, its a frustrating problem. A problem that can become greatly accelerated by the use of androgenic drugs, especially those with a high conversion rate to DHT. Testosterone, Anadrol, D-Bol…all of these end up increasing the amounts of DHT in your system. Some, like test, convert through the 5AR enzyme. Anadrol, on the other hand, is not converted to DHT through the 5AR method at all. 1-testosterone can also convert ‘back’ to DHT though the infamous ‘unknown pathway’…in any event higher levels of DHT end up at the scalp when you’re using these hair transplant london substances. And, if you’re prone, this could spell rapid accelleration of genetic hair loss. Any androgenic hormone molecule binding to the receptors in your scalp could advance hair-loss in someone prone to MPB. When using steroids, especially those with strong receptor binding characteristics like 1-test or Trenbalone, the actual steroid itself could be a contributing factor to your hair loss, in addition to any elevated levels of DHT in your system. So now we know that we need to prevent high amounts of androgen molecules from affecting hair follicles at the scalp. This could be done by using oral medication, like: Finasteride Dose: 1-2mg /day Mean terminal half-life is approximately 5-6 hours in men 18-60 years of age and 8 hours in men more than 70 years of age. There are two types of 5 alpha-reductase (AR), type I and type II, that act as a catalyst in converting testosterone into DHT. Propecia is a 5AR inhibitor, but only effectively inhibits Type II. It has no known effect on type I. Finasteride works by inhibiting the Type II 5alpha-reductase enzyme that is responsible for converting testosterone to DHT. It is not clear as to whether only Type II 5AR is responsible for damage to hair follicles or if Type I is also to blame. It is estimated that Propecia inhibits 70% serum DHT and 38% scalp DHT at the standard, recommended dosage of 1 mg per day. For people suffering from natural hair loss or hair loss brought on by testosterone supplementation,

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